Wheat, cheese, chocolate, sugar affect the brain as opiates.  Have you heard of this?  I used to endulge in all these but don’t anymore.  Has anyone else eliminated these from their diet and how has this affected them.

About sandigale

This blog is educational, focusing on spiritual, physical, financial and emotional health. The plan is to build community together. Our motto is ... is it grows under the water, in the ground, on a vine or up a tree, it's probably good for you. The author of this blog Sandi Gale, is passionate about the benefits of Fasting, Juicing and Essential Oils.
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2 Responses to BLOG #1

  1. wvfarm2u says:

    I think people react in different ways but a balanced healthy fresh food diet goes a long way to good health.

    • sandigale says:

      I do so agree. As long as we can eliminate the junk food And eat more fruits and veggies. Now they are feeding chickens prozac, caffeine and cipro. Who needs that. So being careful of our suppliers is necessary and thanks for your comment. It is impossible to get fresh in a grocery store. Coming from Mexico and other countries takes time to get to the market which is why I use juices from AIM they are process directly from the field and they taste amazing. sandi

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